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♥ F&N Info
posted by Jacob :) on Tuesday, July 15, 2008 at 7/15/2008 01:44:00 PM.

F&N stands for Food & Nutrition. What I learn in F&N are simple. I explain them to you but first, I will show you some pictures of Food and Drinks we learned how to make.

The Best Bread Product that we have ever made is the Bread & Butter Pudding which mainly uses Bread, Butter and Ingredients used to make Pudding like Eggs, Milk etc...

The First Drink we have ever made is the HomeMade Orange Juice. Yummy! We have to juice the orange first then mix it with sugar and stuff... And voila a HomeMade Orange Juicey!

Okay back to business! The first thing I learned in F&N is to Imagine your product before making them so you can have a glimpse of what your making! Something like imaginating.

The second thing is to be very accurate because if you take your food out from the oven or the pan earlier or later, your product will be either uncooked or burnt.

The third thing we learned is that the amount of ingradients play an essential part in making your product because if you either add too much or too less, the product may not be what you wanted.

That is all for now!!! Bye